ASHIDA Software Solutions

ASHIDA Automation solution is based on various components, which can be used in various combination to form complete powerful automation system. These components include:

  • ASCADA-SAS Software Suite
  • APCG / Openpro+ Software suite
  • APCG / Openpro+ controllers (Hardware)

ASHIDA SCADA / SAS Suite (part of ASHIDA technical Solutions -ATS family) is a modular software configurable as per user requirement. Following are the major ASHIDA ASCADA-SAS V3 software modules,


  • SCADA-Server: Server controls all the communication servers, processes the field objects and contains all online parameters, inputs, output objects. Sever handles control operations, interlocks, events, alarms, time synchronization, data logging, etc. It broadcast the objects data to SCADA-Clients and also receives the requests from them.
  • SCADA-Client: These provides and HMI for SCADA system. Used to view online mimic, events, annunciations,perform control operations,etc.
  • Communication-Servers: These are the Active-X EXEs, create field objects such as parameters, Dins and controls, etc. Communication server acquires data from the field devices and updates their objects.
  • SCADA-Standby-Server: This is a hot standby for SCADA-Server. When SCADA-Server, stops functioning, SCADA-Standby-Server takes over and starts functioning as SCADA-Server.
  • SCADA-Standby-Server-Monitor: This controls the switching between SCADA-Server and SCADA-Standby-Server.
  • SAS-Analysis: This is a data analysis utility used for customized and standard report generation
  • SAS-Configuration: Provides an offline configuration for SCADA-Server. Mimic configuration utility for Mimic/SLD display
  • EMS Server: In applications where large metering data is involved, EMS provides the customers real time & historical analysis of the data to aid decisions involving understanding the periodic consumption, Load shedding etc.
  • Forecasting & Scheduling Module: This offering assists in reducing the differences between the actual consumption of energy versus the forecasted values. They make use of high end software technologies like Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning to achieve accurate results.

ASCADA SAS suite of software

Complete suite of software’s for configuration, workstation HMI, FEP, Servers and reporting tools . With communication module build upon APCG protocol libraries. Special plug-in like EMS, Gateways and prediction modules available.


  • ASCADA SAS v3.0. our legacy system being used since 2010
  • ASCADA SAS v3.51. Utility version for large SAS with high numbers of 61850 IEDs.
  • ASCADA SAS v4.0. our new upcoming system for upto 100,000 data points with secure 104 and other latest cyber security features

Typical ASCADA System Architecture Implementation

Local SCADA- Local Substation Monitoring & Control Systems:

ASHIDA has executed several projects where the substation needs to be locally monitored & controlled by a SCADA Automation System. This gives the user the ease to control the associated switchgear in the substation from a single click on the PC. All the securities are taken care of for the user to gain access to the system. The SCADA software also provides on a colourful single line diagram the current status of switchgear like circuit breaker,isolator etc. Also the Numerical Relays communicable on various different protocols can be integrated to SCADA systems. The software provides several advantages to the user in terms event analysis, trend analysis, various reports, alarms, annunciator windows etc. Multiple protocols like IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-103, MODBUS & many others are used in these architectures. In many cases, it involves monitoring & control of an unmanned substation from another substation of higher voltage

Remote Monitoring & Control Systems

Levels which is manned.ASHIDA has executed several projects where the distances between the two substations is large & various media of communication like ADSS, PLCC, Fiber Optic etc are required. Various equipments like gateway, protocol convertors etc make up a part of these solutions. ASHIDA has also executed solutions wherein there is already existing SCADA system at the unmanned substation. These projects involve complex mechanisms with hardwares like gateways to integrate with the existing SCADA of any manufacturer & transmission of the data to an upward level of control. All of the open protocols like IEC 61850, IEC 103, MODBUS,IEC 60870- 5-101 , IEC 60870-5-104 are supported in these architectures to support for remote monitoring & control of substations.

SCADA for Traction & Non Traction systems for Indian Railways:

ASHIDA has been closely working for deploying Protection & Automation systems all around the electrified network in India. ASHIDA has worked with every generation of SCADA in Electrical Traction network including analog based transmission networks to the latest IP based network infrastructure between all sites.